怎樣,還不滿足? 給妳當上總統了,該高興了吧。之前怕萬一沒選上留個本,票都騙到了,該去申請放棄了吧? 幹!超過一年失效,很好嘛,台灣人民很好騙啊! "失效",不是放棄,你他媽再騙人啊! 失效,以後還是可以申請回來的
有興趣的自己看詳細內容吧   (另外前言有興趣的可以看)

On the other hand, remaining outside the United State for more than one year does not mean you have automatically given up your green card. If your absence was intended from the start to be only temporary, you may still keep your permanent resident status. Staying away for more than one year does mean, however, that you may no longer use your green card as a U.S. entry document. Under these circumstances, you must either apply at a U.S. consulate for a special immigrant visa as a returning resident or you must get what is known as a reentry permit.

只要下次回國填個表,對!"回國"! 不是到美國,填張再次進入的表格就好了

Returning Resident Visas
If you stay outside the United States for more than one year and do not get a reentry permit before leaving, you must apply at a U.S. consulate abroad for a special immigrant visa as a returning resident. To get this visa you must convince the consular officer that your absence from the United States has been temporary and you never planned to abandon your U.S. residence. You will have to show evidence that you were kept away longer than one year due to unforeseen circumstances. Such evidence might be a letter from a doctor showing that you or a family member had a medical problem. If you do not have a very good reason for failing to return within one year, there is a strong chance you will lose your green card.

就是這麼一回事,超過一年的話寫一張 "拿回居留權簽證",基本上,我們領導人和阿美關係真的深厚,一定拿的回來的,等著看吧。

同樣有綠卡,為什麼你就是要在那裏拖拖拉拉不肯承認呢? 早點承認不是很好? 早晚都要講的,她媽和李慶安一樣,就是愛拖


為什麼就不能學學人家外長歐鴻鍊,雖然自己外長拿綠卡很不要臉,但是人家多有品啊? 一被抓包,馬上就乖乖去取消掉了,真不曉的你們在孬甚麼幹

外長歐鴻鍊曾有美綠卡 綠委批:難怪馬英九、李慶安難查

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